What is Teletherapy?
Teletherapy is simply therapy, over the internet, through a live video connection. Using a secure live video chat, clients are able to participate in an assessment and treatment plan. The treatment is similar to what a child or adult receives in person, it’s just over the internet, from the safety and convenience of your own home.
Teletherapy allows therapy to be done remotely which can be an advantage for a family who does not want to travel to a facility due to scheduling, transportation or health issues. Teletherapy is endorsed by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)
What is required to receive Speech and Language Therapy via Telehealth?
-Computer, iPad or Tablet
-Webcam (included in iPads and most computers but can be purchased inexpensively if required)
-Headset or ear buds
-High speed broadband internet (minimum of 3Mbps download speed and 1 Mbps upload speed)